The factory is located over 4500 feet above sea level, on two acres of certified organic and biodynamic land in Diyathalawa (located in the Uva High Grown region of Sri Lanka). Some of our best teas are produced at this facility, with leaves being supplied from our small farmer groups under the fair trade concept.

This factory, located in Gampola, Kandy exclusively produces organic green tea, with tea leaves supplied to us by our small farmer groups within the fair trade model. The facility is the first Sri Lankan factory to be awarded the highest rank of three star by the Sri Lanka Tea Board under the Ceylon Quality Certificate (CQC) in 2009 for excellence in factory organization, cleanliness, consistency of operations, workers' discipline and motivation. In addition, this factory is also the first in Sri Lanka to have the capability to produce tea bags from green leaf in one production line, and has special flavoring units to maintain high quality standards of all our flavored teas. Further to this, a special green tea named ‘Ceylon Cha’, invented by our chairman, Dr. Sarath Ranaweera is produced at this facility using a special methodology patented by its inventor.

Our chief coconut processing facility at Makandura is equipped with the complete production lines for the production of canned coconut milk, virgin coconut oil, extra live virgin coconut oil (one of our most in-demand, exclusive products that is in limited manufacture), coconut water, coconut cream and low fat desiccated coconut, with the use of patented processing facilities. The facility is currently equipped with UHT (Ultra High Temperature) processing line which is capable in aseptic coconut milk and coconut water production.

The newest addition to the Pannampitiya roster was the result of a strategic decision to diversify our product range from dry forms to fresh frozen forms. A fully-fledged, state of the art factory which is certified for BRCGS currently functional at this location, equipped with the modern technology of Individual Quick Freezing (IQF). The very rapid freezing leaves the cellular structure of the produce intact, so that once its thawed, the cell composition is restored, along with the freshness, flavor and nutritive value. A large variety if items (e.g., fresh fruit, veggies and herbs) can be processed at this plant. Our frozen food processing project was the recent recipient of the a very large world bank grant and loan for a landmark world bank project for Sri Lanka. Through this very comprehensive program, a great deal of further
improvement is expected to take place to everything from the automation of our production processes, to the betterment of quality of life of the farmers that supply to the processing plants.

Situated in the central dry-zone of Sri Lanka, this is the main location of our spice processing activities. Due to the increasingly high demand and high volume of spices we have been exporting over the last decade, this is a site of continual re-engineering for capacity enhancement. This allows us to undertake the complete production process for the total range of our organic spices.

Situated 6000 ft. above sea level in the upcountry wet zone of Sri Lanka, Kingslynn resides in a truly remote locale on the steep slopes of the USA highlands. Due to it unique location, Kigslynn enjoys an unique climate that enables the cultivation of some of the world's best tea. This is the home to the production of our finest, patented tea, Heaven Scent. This project is affiliated with the local church that provides shelter to women that have been the victims of sexual abuse and/or domestic violence. As such, much of the proceedings from the tea that is sold from this site is diverted to provide assistance to the church to continue their commendable service to the local people.
In addition to tea, European herbs such as rosemary, lemon balm, sweet basils & vegetables (carrot, leeks & beet root) are also produced by the Kingslynn estate.

At this location, we have a separate facility to carry out the milling of all spice varieties which are required in powder form.
At Pannampitiya, we also have a separate facility to exclusively carry out the drying of fresh herbs such as lemongrass, gotukola/centella, and curry leaves. All these centers are within close proximity to one another to make the transport of materials across facilities more efficient.

One of our most exciting projects, the EcoPlanet fertilizer unit was initiated to play the role of introducing new organic agriculture inputs, technology and knowledge to the Sri Lankan agriculture industry to develop and assist the Sri Lankan organic agriculture. Located in Naula of the central dry zone of Sri Lanka, the fertilizer production site is also home to a beautifully maintained organic farm, where the literal fruits of our labour freely surrounds us. This unit provides agriculture extension services and organic agriculture consultancy services for farmers and producers who are interested in using organic soil inputs like organic fertilizers and organic liquid manure. These services are mainly focused on large and medium scale land owners who expect to convert their lands to organic lands that confer to international organic standards.
Our chairman once stated that there is no point defeating the mafia of the agrochemical giants, for with the collapse of one group, another will always rise to take its place. Instead, the focus should be on providing farmers with a product of superior properties at the same price, that is also more ecologically sustainable and ethical. As such, three long years were spent by our research and development teams, searching for, isolating and growing specific soil microbes that no longer exist in our chemically stripped soil. We have now finally isolated a mechanism whereby to re-integrate these microbes to the soil, and develop a very special, certified organic fertilizer (not merely compost). This enables us to put our chairman’s vision to practice, by increasing the yield of conventional lands by providing better solutions than the use of chemical fertilizer. Indeed, studies have shown that the plant mortality rate is lower and the yield is higher with the use of our Eco Planet fertilizer compared to conventional agrochemicals. Perhaps attesting to this fact, over 70% of the buyers of this products are conventional vegetable farmers in the hill-country of Sri Lanka. This site was also recently opened for touring for interested visitors.